"A picture of your favorite memory"
It is absolutely impossible to narrow down only one favorite memory. I have A MILLION! To be honest though, the very first favorite memories that come to mind are the summers when I was young. When my whole family and My family's best friends the Toltons would go to Cherry Hill and Lagoon together. When I would spend everyday, all day outside playing in the fields with Brady, and of course all the trips my family and I took together. I truly had an amazing childhood and I am eternally grateful for it. I don't know how long it takes to become a memory but I also have a few recent favorite memories as well. Getting married is definitely one of them, being in and graduating cosmetology school, and getting my 2 puppies. So here is just a few pictures of some of my most favorite memories.
Cherry Hill
Lagoon with Stef
Virginia Beach
Snorkeling in the Bahamas
Rylee & Roycee
Our Wedding Day
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